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Impact Jungle Blog

Social entrepreneurship, business design & more

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Beside case studies and business models, there are tons of other things we like to explore! In our comprehensive blog, social entrepreneurship, social innovation, business design as well as new trends and technologies are discussed. So.. if you’re up to learning anything new, you definitely came to the right place 🙂

Start browsing now Impact Jungle Blog and explore our vast array of articles!

Have fun reading our articles!

Interested in writing for us?

Whether you are a young student willing to get your hands dirty or an experienced practitioners with personal experiences to share, we always welcome unsolicited articles and blog posts!

If you are interested in writing for us, please fill out our contact form.

As a rule of thumb, we only except original articles and book commentaries, with submissions ranging between 800 words and 11,500 words. For original reporting in particular, we recommend first pitching ideas to the editor through the contact form. The topics discussed in our blog? Social Entrepreneurship, Business Design, Social Innovation, Impact Investing.. and more! So feel free to choose 🙂

Not a writer, but with a new topic* in mind you would like us to discuss?

Sure, drop us a message and let us know!

*Topics discussed at Impact Jungle Blog: Social Entrepreneurship, Business Design, Social Innovation, Impact Investing.. and everything in between 😉